Tapies. Obra Grafica 1979-1986
Obra Gráfica 1979-1986
Aa Vv
After an interval of several years we again take up the task of cataloguing Antoni Tàpies' graphic work. Our aim is a two-fold one: to continue the work begun by Mariuccia Galfetti in the early seventies, which issued in the publication of the first two catalogues raisonnés of Tàpies' graphic work, corresponding to the periods 1947-1972 and 1973-1978 (which were brought out in 1973 and 1980, respectively, by Editorial Gustavo Gili), and also to draw on the considerable corpus of material that she had left in preparation in addressing the present volume.
In order to give some formal homogeneity to this task of collecting and arranging data, we have followed almost exactly the same criteria for cataloguing employed so methodically by Mariuccia Galfetti in the two previous volumes, although we have introduced the occasional novelty in order to make the catalogue more operative. To this end, we have incorporated an index containing the titles of the works in alphabetical order, year and catalogue number.