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Búsqueda de LIBROS DEL AUTOR: follet ken

19 resultados
follet ken
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  • The Armour Of Light -5%
    The Armour Of Light Follet, Ken

    12,98 €12,33 €

  • The Evening And The Morning -5%
    The Evening And The Morning Follet, Ken

    17,07 €16,22 €

  • Die Leopardin -5%
    Die Leopardin Follet,Ken

    13,95 €13,25 €

  • Aux Portes de L'éternité -5%
    Aux Portes de L'éternité Follet Ken 1961. Les Allemands de l'Est ferment l'accès à Berlin-Ouest. La tension entre États-Unis et Union soviétique s'exacerbe. Le monde se scinde en deux blocs. Confrontées à toutes les tragédies de la fin du xxe siècle, plusieurs familles - polonaise, russe, allemande, américaine et anglaise - sont emportées dans le tumulte de ces immenses troubles sociaux, politiques et économiques...

    16,50 €15,68 €

  • Kinder Der Freitheit -5%
    Kinder Der Freitheit Follet,Ken MIT ILLUSTRATIONEN VON TINA DREHER ÜBERSETZT VON DIETMAR SCHMIDT, RAINER SCHUMACHER VOM BAU DER MAUER BIS ZU IHREM FALL – Die große Familiensaga vom Autor der Bestseller DIE SÄULEN DER ERDE und DIE TORE DER WELT.Deutschland nach dem Mauerbau: Rebecca Hoffmanns Welt in Ostberlin scheint in Ordnung zu sein - bis sie durch Zufall erfährt, dass der eigene Mann sie seit Jahren im Au...

    29,99 €28,49 €

  • Edge Of Eternity -5%
    Edge Of Eternity Follet,Ken As the decisions made in the corridors of power bring the world to the brink of oblivion, five families from across the globe are brought together in an unforgettable tale of passion and conflict during the Cold War. When Rebecca Hoffmann, a teacher in East Germany, finds herself pursued by the secret police, she discovers that she has been living a lie. Her younger brother, Wa...

    21,50 €20,43 €

  • Code To Zero -5%
    Code To Zero Follet Ken

    10,95 €10,40 €

  • Night Over Water -5%
    Night Over Water Follet Ken

    12,95 €12,30 €

  • Fall Of Giants Historical Fiction -5%
    Fall Of Giants Historical Fiction Follet,Ken

    10,10 €9,60 €

  • Fall Of Giants -5%
    Fall Of Giants Follet,Ken

    21,50 €20,43 €

  • World Without End -5%
    World Without End Follet, Ken

    6,40 €6,08 €

  • World Without End -5%
    World Without End Follet,Ken On the day after Halloween, in the year 1327, four children silp away from the cathedral city of Kingsbridge. They are a thief, a bully, a boy genius and a girl who wants to be a doctor. In the forest they see twon men killed. As adultos, their lives will be braided together by ambition, love, grend and revenge. The will see prosperity and fmaine, plague and war. One boy will t...

    23,95 €22,75 €

  • The Pillars Of The Earth -5%
    The Pillars Of The Earth Follet, Ken Ken Follett's worldwide bestselling epic masterpiece The Pillars of the Earth' tells the story of Philip, prior of Kingsbridge, a devout and resourceful monk driven to build the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has known... Of Tom, the mason who becomes his architect - a man divided in his soul... Of the beautiful, elusive Lady Aliena, haunted by a secret shame... And of a s...

    9,95 €9,45 €

  • The Pillars Of The Earth -5%
    The Pillars Of The Earth Follet,Ken

    10,45 €9,93 €

  • Les Piliers de la Terre -5%
    Les Piliers de la Terre Follet,Ken

    15,95 €15,15 €

  • El Tercer Gemelo -5%
    El Tercer Gemelo Follet, Ken

    4,75 €4,51 €

  • Alto Riesgo -5%
    Alto Riesgo Follet, Ken

    10,00 €9,50 €

  • El Tercer Gemelo -5%
    El Tercer Gemelo Follet, Ken

    6,60 €6,27 €

  • Noche Sobre las Aguas -5%
    Noche Sobre las Aguas Follet, Ken

    7,21 €6,85 €
